Sandy Hook Hoax Actions!
A Message of Truth to the Sandy Hook Kids Who Didn’t Die in The Great Sandy Hook Shooting Hoax Fraud.
Crime in Corrupticut 2012 – part II
The Great Sandy Hook Hoax Fraud – CT State Police Crime Report 2012 Shows Zero Rifle Deaths in Newtown or Fairfield County.
Sandy Hook Hoax – Sun Shadow Analysis
Video still images of the Sandy Hook shooting are used to disprove the media lie using Sun Shadow Analysis.
Parkland Shooting Hoax
The “shooting” in Parkland FL at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School has the hallmarks of fraud such as duping delight, spectacle, and an active shooter drill taking place at the same time.
Crime in Corrupticut 2012
The Great Sandy Hook Hoax Fraud – Connecticut State Police Crime Report 2012 Shows ZERO Rifle Deaths in Newtown or Fairfield County.